Meeting of members of the Metrology and Researche Equipment Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences with the management and employees of the Central Office of Measures
Kielce, March 21, 2023


On March 21, 2023, a meeting of the members of the Committee on Metrology and Research Equipment of the Polish Academy of Sciences with the management and employees of the Central Office of Measures was held in Kielce. The purpose of the meeting was to familiarize the members of the Committee with the scope and the current state of implementation of the project "Świetokrzyski Laboratory Campus of the Central Office of Measures". Details available in (Appendix).




  Evaluation of the activities of Metrology and Researche Equipment Committee in 2022


In 2022, an evaluation of the scientific committees operating at the Polish Academy of Sciences was carried out. The assessment covered the achievements of the committees in the years 2020-2021. In the adopted assessment system, each committee could obtain a positive or negative assessment, without any gradation. The activity of the Committee on Metrology and Research Equipment was positively evaluated.

All committees were evaluated according to the same criteria covering formal matters, i.e. the existence of an approved list of committee members and the number of plenary meetings of the committee, confirmed by attendance lists. The scientific and organizational activity of the committee, as well as the activity disseminating science, were also evaluated.

In the descriptive assessment of the Committee on Metrology and Research Equipment, the activity of the Committee in the field of publishing, popularizing lectures, interviews, press publications, debates and expert opinions was distinguished. The Committee's cooperation with national and international scientific organizations was emphasized. The involvement of the members of the Committee in organizing, patronizing and supporting scientific activity related to the organization of international and national congresses, symposiums, events and scientific conferences was distinguished. The opinion highlights the fact that the Committee publishes a quarterly magazine with a global reach and supports the development of young scientists. Attention was also drawn to the website maintained by the Committee in Polish and English. It is emphasized that the content presented on this website is constantly updated.


Participation of the Committee on Metrology and Research Equipment in the Polish Metrology Program
(results if the 1st competition)


On June 7, 2022. the results of the 1st competition of the "Polish Metrology" program were published. Among the 26 projects qualified for financing, there were three projects submitted by representatives of the Metrology Committee and the AN PAN. These are:

  1. Methodology for assessing the suitability of selected venturi flow meters for two-phase liquid-gas measurements,
  2. Creating a metrological environment for the implementation in Poland of WIM systems operating in the "direct mass enforcement" (e-WIM) mode,
  3. Innovative measurement technique supported by digital data processing algorithms for improved processes and products.

Congratulations to the authors of the qualified projects.


Participation of the Committee on Metrology and Research Equipment in the Polish Metrology Program


The Polish Metrology program was established in November 2021. Its purpose is to support research or development work in areas related to metrology by entities of the higher education and science system, in cooperation with the President of the Central Office of Measures. Details are available at

In the first edition, members of the Committee on Metrology and Research Equipment submitted six project applications. The presented projects concern the development of measurement standards, methods and techniques in the production process, the development of wireless measurement systems, the preparation of metrological facilities for new measurement methods and techniques used in the administrative control of economic processes.

The presented applications received preliminary approval of the President of the Central Office of Measures and were then assessed by the competition committee. All applications passed this assessment positively, scoring from 70-94 points on a 100-point scale. We are currently awaiting a decision on granting funds for their implementation.



Prof. Janusz Mroczka is the Doctor Honoris Causa of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow


On December 8, 2021 at 12.00, at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow a ceremony was held to award professor Janusz Mroczka with the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of AGH. Professor is an outstanding metrologist, founder of the Polish school of electronic and photonic metrology, a full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and a member of Committee on Metrology and Research Equipment.

Prof. dr hab. eng. Janusz Mroczka, a full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, was born on April 27, 1952 in Dębica. He graduated from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology in 1976, with which he is professionally connected to this day. In 1980 he presented his doctoral dissertation, and in 1991 he was awarded the degree of habilitated doctor. He obtained the academic title of professor in 1996. In 2021, the Wrocław University of Technology awarded him the status of Professor Magnus.

Professor is an Doctor Honoris Causa of the Lublin University of Technology (2014), the Opole University of Technology (2017), the Gdańsk University of Technology (2019) and the Military University of Technology (2019).



Cooperation between Committee on Metrology and Research Equipment of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Central Office of Measures


On October 28, 2021, a plenary meeting of the Metrology Committee was held. At the invitation of the Chairman of the Committee, the meeting was attended by the President of the Central Office of Measures, prof. Jacek Semaniak.

President Jacek Semaniak presented the latest information on changes taking place at the Central Office of Measures (COM). In particular, he presented the current state of progress in the construction of the laboratory campus in Kielce. He discussed the main directions of research that should be undertaken in order to expand the scientific potential of the Office. He also drew attention to the need to educate the staff for the newly created laboratory campus.

In the second part of his speech, President Jacek Semaniak informed the Committee members about the establishment of the Metrological Union ( ), the goals of its creation and the form of scientific cooperation implemented within the Union between COM and research units. The possibility of scientific research undertaken by consortia formed by COM and scientific entities is particularly interesting. Such projects can be financed under the Metrology Union. Committee members can play an important role in setting up such consortia. Such action is in line with the Committee's mission to undertake activities for the integration of national scientists operating in the field of metrology.

Another meeting has been announced, the organizer of which will be the Central Office of Measures. The open access meeting will be devoted to applying for research projects financed by the Metrology Union.



National Metrology Conference 2021 (NMC 2021)


On May 25-27, 2021, the 1st National Metrology Conference 2021 (NMC 2021) was held. Due to the prevailing restrictions related to COVID 19, the sessions were held remotely using the MS Teams platform. The event was organized by the Institute of Electronic Systems of the Faculty of Electronics of the Military University of Technology (MUT) and the Military Metrology Center (MMC). The patronage over the conference was held by the Committee on Metrology and Research Equipment of Polish Academy of Sciences and its Magnificence Rector-Commandant of the Military University of Technology. Organizational activities were carried out by a team from the Institute of Electronic Systems under the supervision of the chairmen of the Scientific Committee - Prof. dr hab. eng. Andrzej Michalski and Dr hab. eng. Jacek Jakubowski (Military University of Technology) and the chairmen of the Organizing Committee - Dr hab. eng. Zbigniew Watral (Military University of Technology) and Col. M.Sc. eng. Robert Targos (WCM). The duties of the secretary of the conference were performed by Dr eng. Michał Wiśnios (Military University of Technology). The logistic security of the conference was dealt with by M.Sc. eng. Roman Wrona (Military University of Technology). The core of the Scientific Committee of the Conference were members of the Committee on Metrology and Research Equipment - Polish Academy of Sciences.

The conference consisted of two parts. The first part comprised lectures on metrological applications of the Internet of Things. Six lectures were presented, prepared by specialists from the TASK IT Center of the Gdańsk University of Technology, the Warsaw University of Technology, the Military University of Technology and the Military Metrology Center.

The conference part of NMC 2021 includes 32 scientific papers presenting research and projects currently implemented by various centers. During the Conference, for which 88 participants registered, representatives of various research and academic centers from Poland, presented their results. Conference materials in the form of full texts of papers and bilingual summaries were made available to the conference participants on the website.